Sunday, 19 October 2008


Sometimes, it's hard when what others recommend as economies are things one couldn't afford in the first place.


rosy said...

I know what you mean, makes me mad too!
Someone at work recently said about her daughter:
'She can't afford a proper holiday this year, but they may go to Cornwall'
Cornwall IS a 'proper holiday!!

Susan Harwood said...

It's good to have fellow-feeling feedback like this.

Poor old Cornwall. Why are people continually giving it as an example of where you can go for a second rate holiday?

And the odd thing is, even though my lifestyle hasn't needed to change, I'm beginning to feel 'poor' myself and experiencing a terrible sense of loss that I've never had all these things people are supposed to be giving up. It comes even closer to the bone when they complain about what they are having to 'put up with' instead - which are also things I've never had!

And recipes for 'hard times' are beyond my budget too. They come into my 'if special visitors come we might rise to this once a year and it would all feel very festive and lavish' category.

Until now, I've never minded that others may have more than me. It's never bothered me at all. Hardly thought of it. Don't think I've even been aware of what so many (according to the radio) take for granted.

But now - now I'm feeling angry.

I'm suddenly and miserably experiencing a mean-spiritedness I hadn't known was in my emotional range . . . and a newly acquired jealousy. So I'm feeling ashamed of myself . . . and wondering how people must be feeling who have been living on even less money than me.
